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  • 4 Dec 2019

Delicious and Easy Party Food for a Crowd

The best things in life include chilling out with friends and family and eating delectable food. As a premier catering company in San Diego, we believe that the key to a successful party is a welcoming host accompanied by fun people and of course some melt-in-the-mouth appetizers.

In this blog, we’ve provided a list of 7 easy party food for a crowd that’ll not only keep you sane but will also save you from spending hours in the kitchen. Keep reading to know how you can cook them and, in turn, excite the taste buds of the guests to the maximum extent.


Easy Party Food for a Crowd List


  • Cheesy Sausage Roll-Ups

These South-Western styled roll-ups not only taste good but are also easy to make. All you have to do is heat the sliced chicken pieces (marinated with salt and spices) in the microwave and add cheese and jalapeño slice on top. Going forward, you’ll have to bake it for 10 minutes, or until it turns golden in color. Serve hot!


  • Grilled Stuffed Jalapenos

The perfect blend of rich, creamy bacon, cheese, and cheddar makes this dish a great choice. It’s super-simple to make the dish too. Just cook the bacon in a skillet over medium heat until it turns crisp. Next, add cheese, peppers, cilantro, and tomato and grill it for 10 minutes. Serve hot and fresh to your guests and make them crave for more.


  • French Onion Soup Bites

French Onion Soup Bites are a great choice for parties of all sizes. Preparing the dish is also hassle-free. Just add oil in a skillet and heat it for 5 minutes. Next, add onions and fry until it turns golden brown. Then, stir 2 cups of cheese and fill phyllo shells with 1 tablespoon of the onion mixture. Heat it for about 10 minutes and serve hot!


  • Pizza Rolls

 If you’re planning to prepare something unique for your guests, then these tender, buttery snack rolls are an exciting choice. The crescent roll dough and the marinara sauce reduces the preparation time, as well as, the ingredient list. Just add 2 tablespoons of the marinara sauce on rectangle-shaped doughs and add cheese and chopped pepperoni. Next, roll up each rectangle jellyroll and bake the doughs in the oven until it turns golden brown.


  • Pizza Sticks

These crispy, cheesy sticks are a perfect choice for birthday parties and a casual family get-together. It’s tasty and is extremely easy to prepare. Just spread tomato topping over a pizza crust and sprinkle 2 cups of the mozzarella cheese. Spread olive topping over another pizza crust and sprinkle 2 cups cheese. Next, heat it in the oven until it turns golden brown. Finally, cut each pizza in half (lengthwise) into 2-inch strips. Serve with marinara sauce for dipping.


  • Pimiento Cheese Squares

 Planning to cook something unique for your upcoming kitty party? Well, then the Pimiento Cheese Squares is what you should prepare! All you have to do is, stir ground mustard and red pepper into flour and add chopped pimiento to flour mixture. Blend cheese, butter, and salt and gradually add it to the flour mixture. Then, cut the entire mixture into squares and bake it for 15 to 20 minutes. Serve hot with tomato or coriander sauce.


  • Cheese Balls

 These nutty, buttery-rich balls are the best choice if you’re looking for something which tastes good, as well as, super-easy to cook. Take goat cheese, almond milk cream, and honey in a large bowl and beat it in a mixer for 2 minutes. Then, freeze the mixture for 15 minutes. Going forward, cut the mixture in the requisite shape and freeze for another 10 minutes. Serve immediately, or cover and refrigerate until it’s ready to serve.


So, here was our list of 7 easy party food for a crowd. Let us know if want to add any. And, if you face any difficulty in preparing any of the above-mentioned items, you could always get in touch with a trusted catering company in San Diego, to make your party more happening.

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