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  • 3 Mar 2020

Gelato vs Ice-Cream Calories: An In-Depth Analysis

Although it’s difficult to cite the differences between ice-cream and gelato from a distance, actually they’re quite distinct. This blog explains the origins of ice-cream and details the gelato and gelato vs ice-cream calories.


Origins of Ice Cream and Gelato

While it’s unknown who invented ice-cream, some sources reveal that its earliest renditions trace back to ancient China. It was first made with a mix of buffalo milk, flour, and ice. Later on, fruit, juice, and honey were also added. As time passed, ice-cream evolved to include milk from cows and eventually egg yolks.

However, ice-cream didn’t gain popularity until the 19th century when renaissance began in the dairy industry and proper refrigeration techniques allowed manufacturers to make and distribute ice-creams cheaply, and that too in large quantities.

Gelato was first manufactured in Italy, though there’s some confusion over where it actually originated. Some believe that it was first made in Sicily, while others are of the view that it originated in Florence.


Which has more carbs ice cream or gelato?


The Food and Drug Administration of America defines ice-cream as a dairy product having 10% of its calories derived from fat. A study found that as much as 25% of the calories in a carton of ice-cream are derived from fat. On the contrary, gelato has less fat content (just about 4 – 9%) and higher sugar content.

However, you must take note of the fact that both ice-cream and gelato contain a lot of sugar. A ½ cup (78-gram) serving of vanilla ice cream contains 210 calories with 16 grams of sugar. Meanwhile, an equal quantity of gelato contains about 160 calories with 17 gm of sugar.

Given that both contain high proportions of sugar, they must be consumed occasionally.

On average, gelato contains 174 calories per 100 grams when compared to ice-cream’s 244 calories. Clearly, ice-cream is more energy-rich than gelato. Since one gram of fat is equivalent to 9 calories, higher fat contents boost the number of calories present in the ice-cream.

It may seem that ice cream is richer in energy, however, the fact is that it depends entirely on the quantity of ice-cream or gelato you’re consuming. To sum it up, gelato heaps less calories when compared to ice-cream. So, if you’re a bit calorie conscious, you should take gelato rather than ice-cream.


How to Reduce Calories?

You’d feel happy to know that neither ice-cream nor gelato are among the highest calorie foods, unlike nuts or flavored beverages.

Still, if you’re worried, then here’s a list of tips that’ll help you reduce the calorie level and still enjoy ice cream or gelato.

  • Eat ice-cream or gelato with fruit flavors. Usually, these have less calorie content when compared to chocolate or caramel.


  • Buy specially labeled low-calorie products.


  • Make sure not to add any fatty toppings, as they increase the calorie content.


  • Ask for your ice-cream in a cup instead of a cone, as it can add 50 extra calories.


  • Buy or order ice-cream in smaller servings to cut down the calorie level.


So, here was our in-depth analysis of gelato vs ice-cream calories. Let us know in the comment section if we’ve missed out something important.

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